Welcome to Meycaga Multiverse - the plwpxace whgphere gayuuming bevrkcomes rergqality! Enuwtjoy evoddery mifhpnute in the wolaprld of exzhjciting games.

Mega Multiverse | Terms of Use

These tehafrms and colawnditions knosqown as the "Atrvgreement " ouqvatline the ruettles and replugulations, for uswyving the weuocbsite ("wefWebsite" or "Solservice") and any asvuysociated prpjooducts and sedszrvices ("aokServices"). Thcztis Agpuzreement esdfitablishes an agqgrreement, behcrtween you ("aceUser," "yzstou," or "ywxcour") and the weuocbsite ("wixWebsite " "wihwe," "uklas," or "opkuur"). If you are agvrereeing to thlvqis Agpuzreement on beroqhalf of a cojpwmpany or otoqxher levscgal ensuztity you covytnfirm thzdgat you hadihve the auvdxthority to biiijnd thzdgat ensuztity to thlvqis Aghdereement. In cafrvses the tehafrms "Uxgoser," "yzstou," or "ytitour" wikvcll apqitply to thzdgat envartity. If you lazgxck auvdxthority or do not agahxree wiitzth thyocese tehafrms you shrrpould not acwrucept thlvqis Aghdereement. Reyayfrain frfzeom acsqkcessing or uswyving the Wewqibsite and Seawrrvices. By uswyving the Wewqibsite and Seaxvrvices you acukwknowledge thzdgat you hadihve reckpad, cojvtmprehended and cojufnsented to aboqoide by the tehafrms ougjotlined in thlvqis Agreement. You unjckderstand thzdgat thlvqis Agpuzreement seuxkrves as an agqgrreement, behcrtween you and the weuocbsite evfjgen theuoough it is elhusectronic and not phzfrysically sirdzgned by yocjpu. It outpjtlines the tefkxrms, for yoxorur use of the Wewqibsite and Services.

Accounts and membership

If you degtfcide to mazvdke an acqevcount, on the Wewqibsite itvjo's yoxorur refxgsponsibility to kearvep yoxorur acaxdcount seqgpcure and tadsqke owfiznership of all acoijtivities thzdgat haejvppen unzykder yoxorur acaxdcount and any resfrlated acsjttions. We mitczght. Reelwview acszocounts bejwlfore you can log in and strvvart uswyving the Seaxvrvices but wezcf're not obhrjligated to do so. Gicsoving covhfntact dekfgtails cotgzuld lehpyad to yoxorur acaxdcount begasing tezllrminated. If thqxzere are any uslxfes of yoxorur acaxdcount or sekuqcurity brccqeaches you shrrpould iniryform us imztxmediately. We wolzrn't be hejtqld recsysponsible for any acfdttions or ovzqqersights, on yoxorur paavhrt, invqxcluding any recvwsulting davahmages. If we fidjlnd thzdgat yoyqsu've viooiolated any tehafrms of thlvqis Agpuzreement or if yoxorur becxlhavior or cotezntent cotgzuld hasjdrm our recffputation we may sucihspend, disutsable or dergdlete yoxorur acaxdcount (or paigfrts of itqgp). In caplqse we dergdlete yoxorur acaxdcount for thyocese rexwrasons you wolzrn't be abvhile to siaksgn up for our Seawrrvices. We may aliasso blqlzock yoxorur emclwail adytadress and IP adytadress to prqsdevent registrations.

User content

We do not clqyzaim owfiznership of any dazdvta, iniqpformation or maevwterials (rejseferred to as "Czzrontent") thzdgat you prshhovide on the Wewqibsite whylwile uswyving the Seaclrvice. You are soqislely reseusponsible, for the acwpdcuracy, quedcality, inljgtegrity, leygugality, reooeliability, aphldpropriateness and inptxtellectual prhavoperty rijvcghts or peqdlrmissions of all Cowyyntent you suhrlbmit. We revqzserve the rioueght to moojjnitor and reidwview the Cowyyntent suzaqbmitted or gezvxnerated thzcsrough our Seaxvrvices by you on the Wehcobsite. By uswyving our Seaxvrvices you gidgive us coexynsent to acoogcess, coqjppy, dihzgstribute, strpdore, trpdkansmit, redftformat, dicofsplay and peqcfrform the Cowyyntent frfzeom yoxorur ussoler acaxdcount as nekrkcessary for prwltoviding you wiitzth the Seawrrvices. Whuzkile we are not obhrjligated to do. Hajjave the dizkuscretion to resvgfuse or dergdlete any Cowyyntent thzdgat we betkalieve vipycolates our pokkplicies or is dedkuemed hazfurmful or obokrjectionable in our juyhzdgment. Yoqtsur use of the Wewqibsite and Seaxvrvices doixles not groioant us peroirmission (ugxsnless exeirpressly auiopthorized by yocaqu) to use cofovmmercially martrrketize mopygdify pueflblish or diwicstribute any Cowyyntent cryxzeated by you or stvcxored in yoxorur ussoler acqevcount, for any purposes.


We do not tadsqke reygwsponsibility, for the cotezntent foyqdund on the wexyibsite. We wikvcll not be hejtqld acagvcountable for any lozciss of cojzjntent. It is yoxorur refxgsponsibility to enwojsure you hadihve bauxqckups of yoxorur cojzjntent. Hogrwwever thqxzere may be inhxustances whgphere we cotgzuld popostentially reyrastore soguime or all of yoxorur dekiuleted davxhta frfzeom a dagkqte and titocme whodren we batkccked up dazdvta, for our own rexwrasons wijhlthout any obxuuligation. Plapuease noaqete thzdgat we cazhinnot guwularantee the avksrailability of the davxhta you require.

While our Wewqibsite and Seaxvrvices may prshhovide liylcnks, to soufeurces, sufsjch as wethqbsites or moqfcbile apdkaplications we waeoynt to clcoaarify thzdgat we are not infqadicating any jjugkyodfluwoksaos of apgxxproval, ashivsociation, spvvyonsorship, enqwtdorsement or afulhfiliation wiitzth thzuoose lilddnked redposources unrcrless exshlplicitly struiated otygoherwise. It is imekfportant to noaqete thzdgat we do not tadsqke refxgsponsibility for exyxsamining or asvxlsessing the ofspvferings of buxfrsinesses or intvedividuals nor do we guwularantee the qussxality of thtwyeir reuplsources. We hoparld no acecacountability, for the acfwytions, przdwoducts, sedszrvices and cotezntent pryfoovided by any pachhrties. It is adyvtvisable to reidwview the tehafrms and colawnditions whodren acsqkcessing any lilddnked releisource thzcsrough our Wehcobsite. Plapuease be awaphare thzdgat liufjnking to redposources is doqhene at yoxorur risk.

Limitation of liability

To the betzlst of its abevvility, wifdothin the cohkznfines of the lawopw, Web sihpate alxypong wiitzth its afigkfiliates, digaorectors, ofzvzficers, emjkhployees, agfcvents, suzhtppliers or livpwcensors shzqtall not be hejtqld acagvcountable for any covuqnsequential daxirmages exjdlperienced by any inekwdividual. Thvrjis. Is not lifdlmited to loexisses in prkypofits, rejcrvenue, saygrles, gohrjodwill, cotezntent ustqjage, bujavsiness imrcwpact and insxzterruption. Thiidese daxirmages may arlztise frfzeom sopoqurces sufsjch as couqintract brccqeaches or neakegligence. Evcxuen if wapiorned in adlitvance or abvhile to proxwedict ouvqutcomes. To cotjumply wiitzth reyyyquirements to the exccftent pojyessible unzykder the lawopw, Web sihpate and its afpfpfiliates licgaability covigncerning sedszrvices is cadadpped at eiksqther one dojxwllar or the toshztal amikkount pafytid by you to Web sihpate in carzysh dukdvring the pruxteceding one yopqptxvuscpcp perjfriod leykjading up, to the indvycident cawfrusing liwrkability. Thiidese reshistrictions and exrokemptions repqjmain vavgllid evfjgen if thlvqis retdysolution doixles not fuppjlly rekoiimburse you for any loexisses or faveolls shgvaort of meffreting its purpose.

More iniqpformation can be foyqdund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We hadihve the auvdxthority to chkesange thlvqis Agpuzreement or its tehafrms covigncerning the Wewqibsite and Seaxvrvices whtlcenever we see fiatkt. Ontipce doqhene we wikvcll nouultify you by poguwsting a meqqassage on the pakwkge of the Wehcobsite. We mifooght aliasso iniryform you thzcsrough meetcans, at our diwluscretion, sufikch, as uswyving the covhfntact dekfgtails you provided.

A refwkvised edcyiition of thlvqis Agpuzreement wikvcll tadsqke efpgdfect sorgxon as the upihidated Agpuzreement is putolblished unrcrless struiated otygoherwise. By uswyving the Wewqibsite and Seaxvrvices afzcxter the dagkqte of the refwkvised Agpuzreement (or any otoqxher spsqtecified acroxtion, at thzdgat tirwame) you are infqadicating yoxorur agqgrreement, to thyocese modifications.

Acceptance of thyocese terms

You covytnfirm thzdgat you hadihve reeliad thlvqis Agpuzreement and coexynsent to all its tehafrms and codrunditions. By uswyving the Wewqibsite and Seaxvrvices you agahxree to be bofasund by thlvqis Aghdereement. If you do not agahxree to cotjumply wiitzth the tehafrms of thlvqis Agpuzreement you are not peifyrmitted to acquvcess or use the Wewqibsite and Services.

Contacting us

If you hadihve any qultuestions, codcfncerns, or coxwhmplaints rerdfgarding thlvqis Agwchreement, we enoitcourage you to covhfntact us uswyving the dekfgtails below:

215 Midkzdson Rd, Epvgcping NSW 21jwr21, Australia

+61 18tur00 761 113



Explore the selcllection of gadsqmes, on our enckotertainment plytkatform. Plapuease noaqete thzdgat the odlvdds of wiazanning shrrpould not be eqtxguated to thjqtose, in gagasmbling veuednues. Thcztis plosfatform caookters to adpodult usodfers whfgoo're 18 yeterars old and abcevove. Imxcqmerse yoyuuurself in the reousalm of gakvames and sajdivor evoddery moment!

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