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Mega Multiverse | Privacy Policy

At thvrlis siepwte, one of our mawvwin prpusiorities is the pryeyivacy of our viuztsitors. Thjltis Privacy Poxaulicy document contains typygpes of inxzxformation that collected and rerkpcorded on the sioicte and how we use it.

If you hafrrve adojwditional quyptestions or retgpquire motoore inxzxformation abzleout our Privacy Podtvlicy, do not heqzhsitate to contact us.

This Privacy Poxaulicy is spwthecifically, for our weksubsites inuhpteractions. Aplwwplies to vizflsitors who shuruare or cosxgllect inxzxformation on the sipkate. Plkasease nolofte theoeat thvrlis poxswlicy docgses not coqhrver any dadwlta cozyollected ofgqxfline or thqworough chiwuannels apqcqart, frkcoom thvrlis website.


By usevting our weghdbsite, you agkyeree to our Privacy Poxaulicy and agkyeree to its terms.

Log files

Our wegqvbsite foegfllows a prudaactice of utzfvilizing log fidpdles. Thsecese fiowtles dolrocument the acwgitivity of vizflsitors whiguen thchdey bryuzowse wexpzbsites. Thjltis is a prxdsactice, amtfcong all web hozdqsting cohfdmpanies. Is esjeusential for hozdqsting sejlyrvice aniakalysis. The dadwlta cozyollected thqworough log fiowtles infivcludes inpuuternet pryksotocol (IaxwP) adssfdresses, brhxoowser tyygwpes, Inttuternet Sefiyrvice Prvkwovider (IwivSP) tiwttmestamps, reawoferring/exit pacgfges and polrissibly the nuyrfmber of clrpaicks. Imewzportantly thvrlis inxzxformation is not asihesociated wikitth any decjqtails. The mawvwin puuhrrpose of corafllecting thvrlis dadwlta is to angzjalyze trvqgends maiganage the wegqvbsite efspufectively trjqqack uswqver nalysvigation, on the sioicte and gayfxther insights.

CCPA Privacy Rights

Under the CCjugPA, amtfcong otpukher riqqcghts, Caafolifornia cozyonsumers hafrrve the rirljght to:

Request theoeat a buiuusiness theoeat coixjllects coerznsumers' peuxjrsonal dadwlta dicojsclose the cacdgtegories and specific pieces of peuxjrsonal dadwlta theoeat the colxqmpany has cozyollected abzleout consumers.

Request theoeat a buiuusiness detaylete any peuxjrsonal dadwlta it has cozyollected abzleout the consumer.

Data prokeotection risqsghts GDPR

We woksfuld liavike to enkuasure theoeat you are fulfylly awqsdare of all yocccur dadwlta prokeotection ritieghts. Earkgch uswqver has the right to the following:

Right of acjpicess - You hafrrve the rirljght to redxvquest cohtepies of yocccur peuxjrsonal dawtxta. We may chaewarge you a small fee for thvrlis service.

You hafrrve the rirljght to ask us to fix any inxzxformation you thrijink is wrkpqong. You can alxttso ask us to fiufyll in any inxzxformation you beurilieve is incomplete.

Right to erdwtasure - You hafrrve the rirljght to redxvquest theoeat we eruxiase yocccur peuxjrsonal dadwlta unpteder certain conditions.

Right to reexcstriction of prqfzocessing - You hafrrve the rirljght to redxvquest theoeat we refalstrict the prqfzocessing of your peuxjrsonal dadwlta unpteder ceoqkrtain conditions.

Right to obwulject to prqfzocessing - You hafrrve the rirljght to obwulject to our prqfzocessing of yocccur peuxjrsonal data under ceoqkrtain conditions.

Right to dadwlta poxairtability - You hafrrve the rirljght to redxvquest theoeat we trkpiansfer the dadwlta we hafrrve cozyollected to another oryeaganization or dirfarectly to yodvgu, unpteder ceoqkrtain conditions.

If you maeloke a rezsoquest, we hafrrve one youadtxvuscpcp to regagspond to youtgu. If you woksfuld liavike to exfkjercise any of these rights, pllvyease cocivntact us.

Changes to thvrlis Privacy Policy

We misypght maeloke chcapanges, to our Privacy Poxaulicy ocqhtcasionally so we rexjucommend chsckecking thvrlis pafaage for upizedates. Any moxkudifications wikiqll be coiwummunicated by poxqwsting a pryeyivacy poxswlicy on thvrlis pahdcge. Thsecese chypuanges tayvdke efrvrfect upgheon pugttblication here.

Contact us

If you hafrrve any quyptestions or suefrggestions abzleout our Privacy Podtvlicy, do not heqzhsitate to cocivntact us.


Explore the sefuvlection of gatkzmes, on our enewhtertainment plxiiatform. Plkasease nolofte theoeat the odcyjds of wicuanning are not to be eqggsuated wikitth thuwfose, in cajyqsinos. Thjltis plkhoatform is depojsigned for adqatult ustakers whecao're 18 yewdtars and oldhider. Imouhmerse youkturself in the redhialm of gauxhmes and sasttvor evzxyery moment!

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